A2P, P2A and P2P SMSC software solution.
ComCode’s SMSC software solution offers a comprehensive, SIGTRAN (SS7), IMS, and SMPP-based platform tailored for MVNOs, A2P, P2A, and various other messaging providers. This robust SMSC solution ensures reliable, scalable, and efficient messaging services, making it an ideal choice for telecommunications operators and businesses seeking seamless SMS management and delivery.
Role of SS7 in SMSC.
SS7 is a legacy protocol that uses E1/T1 trunks for signaling for a long time. With the invention of Sigtran, the E1/T1 has been replaced by Sigtran layers such as M3UA. The ComCode SMSC uses M3UA over SCTP for sending and receiving SMS from the device.
SMPP protocol and SMSC
SMPP is a messaging protocol that works over TCP/IP. A SMPP application can connect to the SMPP for sending and receiving text messages.

How SS7 based smsc is helpful for service providers.
The SMSC with ss7 directly conenctes to the standard telecom networks. This way a service provider has realtime flow control of text messsges.